Monday, December 14, 2009
Stockezy – India’s 1st Social Investing Community
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How To Protect Your PC from being Hacked
- Turn off your computer when not using it, especially if you have an ‘always on’ internet connection.
- Get a firewall if you have a DSL or cable modem. Remember to keep the firewall always.
- Use a good Anti-virus program. Remember to use only one such software, as different programs use the same system resources & may conflict. Besides anti-virus program it is advisable to use a good anti-spyware and anti-malware program. Keep both your anti-virus and anti-spyware program up-to-date by regularly downloading latest updates.
- Turn off file and print sharing.
- Hackers count on the public being uninformed and use their ignorance to gain access to your system. Therefore, visit sites by your OS manufacturer to stay updated on security.
- Don’t visit chat rooms unless they are closed & you know the room administrator.
- Never open an e-mail attachment that ends in .DLL or .EXE, even if the e-mail is from your best friend. The only time you can open such an attachment is if you know exactly what’s in it.
- To outwit script-based viruses, ask an expert how you can open scripts in Notepad or wordpad. Then get someone who knows about Visual Basic (VB) to look at it before running it.
- Keep data private through encryption.
- If you’re not surfing & you see your modem lights flashing, a hacker could be testing for vulnerabilities.
- A good password is one which is easily remembered but not easily guessable. It should be a secret, never written down, never saved in a file.
- When a website asks if it should be saved, say no. It is much safer not to save the username and password in the browser by disabling the auto-fill option.
- A password should have at least eight or more characters with an intelligent combination of letters, numbers and special characters. The letters should be a combination of uppercase and lowercase.
- Never use a password which is a word found in a dictionary. It should not have four or more letters found consecutively in the dictionary.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Instructables - An Interesting & Useful How-to site
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Top 10 EC Droppers - September 2009
| TOP 10 EC DROPPER – september 2009 |
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Add Free Twitter Buttons, Badges & Widgets to your Blog or Website
If you have a website, blog or other social media account, then you can link your Twitter account to it. It can be one of the best ways to find new followers for your Twitter account. Doing it with an eye catching button, widget or counter can be even more effective. Of course there are various sites which provide Twitter Buttons and badges and also there are some Official Twitter Badges available. But I found the two below-mentioned sites very useful because even if you don’t know HTML codes there’s no need to worry. You have to just copy-paste the codes into your blog widgets or Web page. The site are:
This site has some very interesting Twittter Buttons. Simply enter your Twitter ID in the given text-box and click GO! Then copy the code of any button you like and paste it on your blog or website. They have even got personalized Twitter Buttons, where you can display your follower count in real time!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Deluxe templates - Get Free Professional Blogger Templates & More
If you own a blog using blogger template, then you will find the site ‘DeluxeTemplates’ very useful and informative. DeluxeTemplates is a cool site or a blog which provides free professional blogger templates. This site has a good number of blogger templates which can be downloaded for free as per your choice or liking from two-column or three-column template. You can choose from ‘Latest Templates’, ‘My Favorites’ etc. You can even request a blogger template of your choice.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thanks a lot to my top EC Droppers in August! Here are the Links to their blogs, please do visit them:
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Monday, August 24, 2009
PicTreat - Best Way to Retouch your Pics
Saturday, August 15, 2009
QuizBox – Personality Test, Love Tests, Riddles & Fun Quizzes
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Gazup! Uploads your File to multiple file hosts
Gazup! is the leading website for social file mirroring online. By using this service you'll be able to upload files to multiple file hosts in one go thus saving you time and bandwidth. Simply upload a file and this site will rapidly mirror your file to 8 hosts, including RapidShare, MegaUpload, FileFactory, zShare and many more. They have unique features for both video and normal file formats, for example if you upload a video to our service they will automatically generate screenshots of the videos frames and display a presentation next to the download links. Their system is quite advanced as they have link checking, allow uploaders to "cure" dead mirrors and allow uploaders to customize mirror pages and much more.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
AddThis – A Bookmarking & Sharing Tool for Bloggers and Website Owners
AddThis is a very popular bookmarking and sharing tool on the Internet. It helps website publishers and bloggers spread their content across the web, by making it easy for visitors to bookmark and share content to their favorite social destinations. AddThis buttons can be found on hundreds of thousands of websites, and are currently viewed over 20 billion times a month by users all over the world, in over 20 languages.
You must have seen the following Addthis button on various websites and blogs:
What can you share with AddThis?
AddThis can be used to share just about anything, including:
- Websites
- Blogs (Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Tumblr)
- Email newsletters
- MySpace profiles
- Microsoft Office Live workspaces
- Embedded content, such as videos
Monday, July 27, 2009
How to Add a custom favicon to your Blogger blog

While browsing the net I came across a very informative blog post. I thought it would be a handy resource for the bloggers. The following is the excerpt from the blog post written by Amanda fazani from Blogger Buster:
When you publish a blog with Blogger, the default favicon which appears in your browser navigation bar is Blogger’s favicon (the unmistakable orange and white logo).
Many Blogger users choose to display their own favicon instead of Bloggers, in order to “brand” their blog with memorable icons in keeping with their blog’s design. It is actually quite easy to add our own favicon to our Blogger blogs, and instantly adds a sense of professionality to your overall design.
In this post, I’ll explain how easy it is to add a favicon to your Blogger blog, along with resources for designing your own favicon and where you can host this for free.
What is a favicon?
The word “favicon” is short for “favourites icon”, and is a 16×16px square icon which is associated with a website (or blog). Browsers which support favicons will usually display a website’s favicon in the address bar (to the left of the URL), and next to the page’s name in a list of bookmarks. Browsers which support tabbed navigation (such as Firefox and IE8) will also display the favicon next to the page title on each tab.
Favicons are usually found on the root of a domain, and use the .ico extension. For example, the favicon for Blogging Tips can be found here:
Blogger users do not have access to the root of their blog hosting. This means that unless an alternate favicon is specified, Blogger’s favicon will display in browsers accessing Blogger powered sites.
In order to add a custom favicon to be displayed in the browser of sites accessing a Blogger powered blog, we need to:
- Create our own favicon
- Upload this to an image host
- Edit the Blogger template to reference this alternative favicon.
Let’s go through these steps in order.
How to create your own favicon for Blogger
A favicon is a small image, measuring 16×16 pixels. Favicons are usually made with the .ico extension, though it’s also possible to use .GIF and .PNG files to reference a favicon.
If you are a budding ‘Photoshopper’, you can create your own favicon from scratch. Don’t forget to use a canvas measuring 16 pixels square (or create a square image which can be reduced to this size) and save as a .GIF or .PNG image.
Those who already use a recognised icon for their site/blog logo can easily generate a favicon using one of these free services:
- Favicon Generator (Blogger Buster)
- (right click image and choose “Save image as”)
- HTML-Kit favicon generator (download as favicon package) – Enables you to create a static or animated favicon; you can even create a favicon quickly using your Twitter username!
Alternatively you can download a “ready made” favicon from these sites:
- Favicons R Us
- (use the 16 px square version of your favourite icon)
Upload your favicon to the web
While Blogger does not offer hosting for files we use in our blogs (eg: JavaScript, documents and HTML files), we can upload images for use in our blog posts which are hosted by Picasa.
After uploading an image to our blog post (even if this post is not published) we can extract the URL of the image and reference this in our Blogger template code. Surprisingly, we can upload .ico files to our blog posts with Blogger (as well as any .PNG or .GIF favicons you may have created too).
To upload your favicon to Picasa through your blog, simply create a new blog post and choose to insert an image in your post. Choose the favicon you have created/generated/downloaded and upload this to your post.
Then either preview your post or view in the rich text editor so your favicon image can be seen on the screen. Right click this favicon and choose to copy the location of the image. Save this to your clipboard or paste into a text file for easy reference.
If you prefer to use a different host for your favicon, here are a few free hosts which support .ico files:
As before, copy the location of your icon file to yoru clipboard or paste in a text file for easy reference.
Add the reference for your favicon to your Blogger template
The final step to creating a custom favicon for Blogger is referencing the favicon in your Blogger template code.
To do this, go to Layout>Edit HTML in your Blogger template. You do not need to check the “Expand widget templates” box.
Search for the closing
tag in your template using your browser’s search function.
Immediately before this line, paste the following section of code, substituting YOUR-FAVICON-URL for the URL where your favicon is hosted:
href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='shortcut icon'/>
href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='icon'/>
Then save your template. Now when you view your blog in your browser, you should see your favicon appear beside the web address and in the bookmarks folder (if you have bookmarked your site).
Note: it is very important that you paste the favicon tags just before the closing tag, not earlier in the template code. This is because Blogger generates favicon tags when your blog pages are generated which would otherwise override your custom favicon references.
Important information when using custom favicons for Blogger blogs
If you use Internet Explorer 6 or older, the favicon will not appear unless you have bookmarked your blog and refreshed your browser.
Also, any services which automatically extract the favicon for a site (such as Blogger’s “Feed” and “Blog List” gadgets) will still reference the Blogger favicon rather than our own custom favicons. This is because such auto-discovery scripts reference the favicon hosted on the same server as the website, rather than the favicon which is referenced in the HTML code of the page. As yet, there is no way to present our custom favicons to services which automatically discover the favicon for a site.
Source: (Written by Amanda Fazani from Blogger Buster )
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Add Stylish Signature to your blog or E-mail
Using signatures is a simple and effective way to make e-mail messages, blogs and websites more stylish, underline their individuality and get the author's energy across. So, what can you say about animated signatures that give the real impression that the author is signing right in front the reader's eyes?
MyLiveSignature offers you everything necessary to create both static and animated signatures and add them to your email messages, to blogs, to your posts on forums and on websites.
There are three ways to get your signature on the site.
1. Imitate your signature yourself using step-by-step signature creation wizard.
2. Imitate your signature yourself using the on screen signature draw widget.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Outbrain – Rating & Recommendation Widget
The outbrain widget is a simple yet powerful ratings & recommendations tool that blends seamlessly into any blog design, inheriting your own look and feel. The widget includes an interactive 5-star rater, and personalized recommended links from your blog as well as others.
User ratings are one of the best ways to get instant feedback from your readers. A simple click of the mouse and Voila! - their opinion is counted. The widget also displays the average rating and number of users who rated the post.
The widget works with a personalization algorithm, which tries to compute a unique Personalized Relevancy Score for each reader, and for every item that is viewed. If the widget has enough data, the reader will see a message indicating how relevant this post may be. The algorithm is mostly based on a reader's rating history so... the more ratings that are cast, the more content can be personalized for each reader.
Installation takes minimal effort and does not require any registration. A few clicks and you are done. The widget supports
Widget features -
- Blends into your blog design - It's your blog, and your content ratings, and there is no reason for it to look any different. All outbrain blog widgets inherit the hosting site's styling properties.
Here are two examples: - No marketing crap - You won't see an outbrain logo or marketing language such as "Powered by outbrain" on the widget itself.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Adgitize: A very Essential Advertising tool for Bloggers

Adgitize is an advertising platform for bloggers. It is quite similar to Entrecard. You earn points by doing a variety of things relating to your blog and those points are then converted to cash. The more points you earn, the more money you’ll receive. You can also use Adgitize to advertise your blog on hundreds of other blogs for just $14 for a one month ad.
There are many of ways of earning points with Adgitize. You can earn 100 points for each day you publish a new post on your blog. You can only do this a maximum once per day but if you do it everyday; it’ll really accumulate many points.
You can also earn points for page views and ad views on your blog. The difference is that the ad views count can be higher if you have more than one Adgitize ad on your blog. So if I’ve received 40 page views today, but my ad views count is 80 because I have two Adgitize ads. The max amount of ads you can show is 10. If you have the max 10 ads on your blog, you’d be earning points for every page view, but x10 for ad views. That’s a lot of points!
Another way to earn points is by clicking on the ads of other blogs. If you see an Adgitize widget on someone’s blog - you’ll earn points for clicking on it. For this, you have to be logged in and a member of Adgitize. If you click on all of the available ads, you’ll receive 100 points for that day. It works similar to dropping an Entrecard on someone’s blog.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Entrecard: A Must-have tool for promoting your blog
The easiest way is to sell advertising on your blog. This method can give you a steady stream of ECs each day. Entrecard takes 50% of what you earn from ads, and the minimum cost for an ad is two ECs. So, you can at least earn 1 EC a day by doing nothing. But, the more people drop on your Entrecard, the more the spot is worth.
Another way is dropping. You earn 1 EC every time someone drops on your Entrecard, and 1 EC every time you drop your card on someone else’s. Although this is a bit time consuming method but it will surely increase the number of your loyal droppers.
Moreover you can earn ECs by organizing contests and using Entrecard credits as prizes. Entrecard has their own Entrecard shop where you can buy and sell items and services in exchange for ECs. You can sell almost anything. A wise thing to sell would be a service, like designing Entrecards.
All in all, Entrecard is a very useful tool to promote your blog/site and a handy way to increase traffic on your blog.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
ePaper Catalog: Worldwide Online Newspapers Hub
ePaper Catalog: Worldwide Online Newspapers Hub
If you are looking for e-paper on the net or want to read e-paper from other countries, than is the site for you. It contains the list of online newspapers & e-papers from across the world. In a sense it is worldwide online newspaper hub. It lists more than 320 eEditions from 51 countries in 35 languages.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
convert all of your written and printed documents into scan-quality digital copies
Qipit - free mobile online copy service is a new online mobile service that lets you use your camera phone or digital camera to make a digital copy of any written or printed document to store, share via email or fax, or publish to the web. Qipit allows you to convert all of your written and printed documents into scan-quality digital copies (in black and white or color) for convenient online storage, without the need of a portable scanner, copier, or cell software. It's easy. All you do is take a picture of notes, a whiteboard or a document with your camera phone or digital camera; send it to qipit as a multimedia message (MMS) from your camera phone, via email or your qipit account; and qipit turns your photo into a clear digital copy, in PDF or JPEG format, that you can store or send to an email or fax number from your cell phone as a multimedia message (MMS) or mobile email, or on your PC via email or your qipit account. You can even publish your qipit copy to the web. Qipit is like a portable scanner, mobile copier, and a mobile fax machine, all in one.
What you can do with Qipit?
- Turn documents, notes and whiteboards into digital copies (PDFs)
- Email or fax qipit digital copies via email, your online Qipit account, or right from your phone
- Store all of your paper documents and notes as digital documents for easy archiving and sharing
- Tag your qipit documents for easy searching and sorting
- Publish and share your documents on the web
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Witty & Humourus Status update generator for social networking
If you can’t think of something suitably witty, funny and original for your status on Facebook or Twitter, try .
Free Games site especially for kids. is primarily a directory of web games. It is a site where you can play free games.There are a large number of games and they are categorized into sports, action & adventure, puzzle, and shoot em up. Many of these games can also be downloaded for play on your PC. Recently released is a cash prize, Miniclip Tournament section where members can play for money.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A site to get free Clip-Art download.
‘WPClipart’ is a collection of high quality public domain images specifically tailored for use in word processors & optimized for printing on home/small office inkjet printers. There are thousands of color graphic clips as well as illustrations, photographs and black & white line art. provides almost 30,500 clip art images that are free to use. And the best part is that the images can be easily be integrated into any office suite.
It is a very good resource especially for those using free office suites such as Open Office where good built-in clip art is not available.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Site that allows you to download the videos from Youtube .
CatchYouTube enables you to convert YouTube videos into any number of different video and audio formats and then to download these to your computer. It's FREE and very simple to use. You can easily save your favorite videos to your PC. Simply post the video link, select the format of your choice (MPG, MOV, DVD, MP4, 3GP, MP3, WAV, FLV) and click the ‘convert’ button. The free resource will soon let you download the movie clip.
Once on your computer you can view or copy the files to any number of devices including other computers, mobile phones and literally any device that plays video. You can even email the downloaded videos to your friends.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Make your Own Business Card in a jiffy.
This website lets you create your own business card in PDF format. Ii doesn’t matter if you don’t have any graphic knowledge or skill. All you need is to fill in your details – such as name, designation, office, email & Web address in the ten empty fields. Choose the font size and style. Then upload a photo or any graphic picture that you’d like to use as a logo. If you like the preview, download the design in PDF format (an A4 page with the card in a 3x4 matrix) to print at your local card printer. Designing your own business card can’t get as easier than this!