Adgitize is an advertising platform for bloggers. It is quite similar to Entrecard. You earn points by doing a variety of things relating to your blog and those points are then converted to cash. The more points you earn, the more money you’ll receive. You can also use Adgitize to advertise your blog on hundreds of other blogs for just $14 for a one month ad.
There are many of ways of earning points with Adgitize. You can earn 100 points for each day you publish a new post on your blog. You can only do this a maximum once per day but if you do it everyday; it’ll really accumulate many points.
You can also earn points for page views and ad views on your blog. The difference is that the ad views count can be higher if you have more than one Adgitize ad on your blog. So if I’ve received 40 page views today, but my ad views count is 80 because I have two Adgitize ads. The max amount of ads you can show is 10. If you have the max 10 ads on your blog, you’d be earning points for every page view, but x10 for ad views. That’s a lot of points!
Another way to earn points is by clicking on the ads of other blogs. If you see an Adgitize widget on someone’s blog - you’ll earn points for clicking on it. For this, you have to be logged in and a member of Adgitize. If you click on all of the available ads, you’ll receive 100 points for that day. It works similar to dropping an Entrecard on someone’s blog.
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